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Booths Powder Coating Ai

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This model is recommended for large jobs upto dimensions 2" x 4" x 8" to be loaded from the side by opening hinged side doors. The spray chamber has rectangular shape.
The article is inserted inside the spray chamber then article remains stationary. One or two operators coat the article from all sides by opening the hinged doors one by one. This reduces the blower capacity requirement.
The specially shaped trough with sloping sides at the bottom of the booth minimises accumulation of powder which makes it very easy for cleaning and quick colour changes with minimum deadstock of powder.
The multicyclone recovery ( 4 module ) system ensures extreamly high levels of powder recovery above 98 percent. The 3 H.P. blower meets the regulations of international pollution control norms and maintain the velocity over LEL ( Lowest Explosive Level). 
All Booths are available in Batch / Conveyorised option. 

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